What do we do?
3 March 2016M&A and Corporate Law
3 March 2016We render a complete range of business law services. We cater to the day-to-day needs of our clients’ business in Turkey. If the international parent of our local client entrusts us with corporate secretarial work, we do it. If directors face directors’ liability claims, we defend them.
If a CEO negotiates a strategic partnership, we support his/her negotiations. That being said, we do not hold ourselves to be experts in anything. Yes, we do M&A work – who doesn’t these days? We do not distinguish ourselves with what we do, but with how we do it.
Our function is similar to that of an in-house legal department. If a matter requires a specific expertise, with which we are not fully comfortable, we will put together a team with the necessary expertise, and supervise. We want our clients to take comfort in the fact that they are dealing with the same people, familiar faces and a familiar style, irrespective of what the matter at hand may be.